Download LeLauncher HD 1.13.3 APK
Version: 1.13.3 (1013003)
Languages: 26
Package: com.lenovo.launcherhdmarket
Downloads: 3,602
Target: Android 4.4 (Kitkat, API 19)
What's new in LeLauncher HD 1.13.3
1 Optimize performance
2 Add "squares" to lock screen
3 Fixed some bug
About LeLauncher HD 1.13.3
1. 5 x 5 Layout for pad
Smooth experience while rotating your screen.
2 Children mode
Change to Children Mode to make your pad safe to used by children
3 Common application
Using simple gesture to open application list which recently used.
4 App batch moving
Put series of apps to one area together, and then move them meantime, to a new folder or screen page.
5 T9 Searching
Flipping your finger from bottom to up, find your apps efficiently.
6 Backup and restore
Backup and restore your favorite layout.
Keywords: launcher, lelauncher, lelauncher HD, pad, tablet
QQ: 303603926
BBS: bbs.lenovo.com/launcher-hd/