What's new in Yandex.Jobs 1.11

- New metro stations added

About Yandex.Jobs 1.11

A database of vacancies that do not require a resume: more than 400 000 openings. No need to fill out forms, write cover letters and wait for a company to get back to you – simply choose the job that suits you and contact the employer directly.

* Select vacancies by salary, location, or work schedule.
* Browse through positions for job seekers without experience, part-time positions or jobs that pay daily wages.
* Save the job offers you find interesting and view them later offline.
* Access your full call history at any moment to check who you’ve already contacted and, if needed, call them again.

All versions
Yandex.Jobs 1.11
April 19, 2017


Uploaded:April 19, 2017 at 6:15AM UTC

File size:4.98 MB
