Download Yahoo Livetext - Video Chat 1.1.2468 APK

App: Livetext
Version: 1.1.2468 (2468)
Languages: 14
Downloads: 198
15.21 MB (15,945,495 bytes)
Min: Android 4.1 (Jelly Bean, API 16)
Target: Android 6.0 (Marshmallow, API 23)
armeabi-v7a + x86
Permissions: 22Features: 7
Uploaded February 10, 2019 at 5:25PM UTC by chu

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15.21 MB

What's new in Yahoo Livetext - Video Chat 1.1.2468

(/.__.)/ \(.__.\)..!!!
You are the first in the world to use Livetext, and your feedback and support has been amazing! We also incorporated feedback to make your experience the best!

This version fixes a BUNCH of bugs and improves the overall performance :D. At Livetext HQ, we're building day and night to bring you new and exciting upgrades, easter eggs and surprises, so stay tuned for more in the near future :).

Psst...if you have any suggestions, let us know at

About Yahoo Livetext - Video Chat 1.1.2468

Yahoo Livetext is live video texting, without sound. You will feel like your friends are right there with you. It's an entirely new way to stay in touch.

You can livetext and see your friends no matter where you are—whether you're hanging out with other friends, on campus, in a bar, or on the subway— and share a goofy face or a glimpse of the world around you.

Livetexting is better, together (/.__.)/ \(.__.\)..!!!

Key features:
• TEXT + LIVE VIDEO: Both at the same time - it's amazing.
• ON CAMPUS?: Join your college to find and livetext your classmates!
• FREE FOREVER: You and your friends can live video text as much as you want! Livetext uses your internet connection (Wi-Fi when available and your cell connection otherwise.)
• ONE-TO-ONE: Not for group messaging, it's like you're passing notes with your friends.
• NO CALLS: Just live video text your friends and you'll see them instantly when they enter chat.
• ADD FRIENDS: Use their Livetext ID or your address book contacts to connect.

All versions
Yahoo Livetext - Video Chat 1.1.2468


Uploaded:February 10, 2019 at 5:25PM UTC

File size:15.21 MB


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