Download XDA Labs 1.0.9b APK
Target: Android 7.0 (Nougat, API 24)
What's new in XDA Labs 1.0.9b
- [feature] Auto-draft saving for posts/PMs
- [feature] Android Wear full notification support
- [feature] Enhanced notifications
- [tweak] Quote/Mention/PM caching and pre-loading
- [tweak] Dismissed notifications not shown again
- [tweak] Thread OP can now edit thread title
- [tweak] Unseen thread default switched back to end
- [tweak] Tweak rating star speed & rounding
- [tweak] Thread search results UI
- [tweak] Load multi-page thread search results
- [tweak] Share article shortcut
- [tweak] Add drafts to post edits
- [tweak] Thread search results sorted by date
- [tweak] Update to Nougat support libs
- [tweak] Update 3rd party libs
- [tweak] Update DB lib, use faster sorting for results
- [tweak] Update translations
- [tweak] App signing certificate validation
- [tweak] Clickable links in app description
- [tweak] Thread list rendering now much faster
- [tweak] NavDrawer shown in Forums section if unread notices
- [tweak] Removed All forum tab
- [tweak] Find a forum search icon only shown in Forum tabs
- [fix] Some device detect mismatches
- [fix] Single page threads properly marked as read on visit
- [fix] Thread marked as read on new reply
- [fix] Light theme star rating white on white
- [fix] Review modal button wrap
- [fix] Existing drafts not saving properly
- [fix] Xposed light theme star rating
- [fix] Share news article crash
- [fix] Edit post adding [URL] to [IMG/YOUTUBE] urls
- [fix] [QUOTE] without username not properly rendering
- [fix] Review edittext not wrapping
- [fix] Welcome screen test builds opt-in
- [fix] Highlighted threads hiding star ratings
- [fix] New/Top forums in reverse order
- [fix] Threads not loading for logged out users
- [fix] Thread search additional pages load indicator
- [fix] No byline bugs/crash
- [fix] Black device images
- [fix] Vanishing thread list FAB
- [fix] News articles showing incorrect relative time
- [fix] Last page goes to last unread page for all threads
- [fix] Some external URLs crashing
- [fix] App/Xposed description rich format
- [fix] Quote/Mention/PM unread count updates
- [fix] Removed app "take me back" button crash
- [fix] My Device icon tinting black
- [fix] Cached PM far-future date glitch
- [fix] Kitkat notifications sometimes not showing
- [fix] App/Xposed builds not showing year
- [fix] Hide thread search spinner if only 1 page
- [fix] Thread search crash
- [fix] Single page mention/quote/message issues
- [fix] Rare crashes due to cache changes
- [fix] Improvements to fragment caching and data retention
- [fix] Emoticon selection fragment crash
- [fix] Bad rating crash
- [fix] Properly show empty forums
About XDA Labs 1.0.9b
From version 1.0.3b:
Hi everyone,
We (at XDA) have been working on something.
This is XDA Labs. The name isn't final, and this is not the "official" launch... but we are (quietly) giving you guys a chance to try it out so we can get some feedback. So....what is it?
First and foremost, it's a speedy way to access the forums (ad-free!). You'll see a lot that's familiar with XDA One, because we merged the code into Labs and made a handful of much-needed improvements.
Second, it's a new way to access all the Xposed modules you love.
And third, it's a way to distribute apps-- and eventually all sorts of stuff that people upload to XDA. It is 100% pro-developer in that 1) we allow all types of apps (including stuff not allowed on Play), 2) we don't remove apps without warning and without communication to the developer, 3) we enable developers to sell apps, receiving 100% of the proceeds directly, 4) we accept Bitcoin payment, which is fast, easy, and low cost, and 5) we utilize alpha, beta and stable release channels so devs can have control in how they distribute apps to users.
If you are a developer and want to add your app, go here:
Otherwise...use the app, and tell us what you think! Again, Labs is very much Beta right now so keep your expectations in check!
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