Download WEARVR 2.0.6 APK

Version: 2.0.6 (8)
Languages: 72
Downloads: 89
7.58 MB (7,951,601 bytes)
Min: Android 4.1 (Jelly Bean, API 16)
Target: Android 5.1 (Lollipop MR1, API 22)
armeabi-v7a + x86
Permissions: 25Features: 1
Uploaded January 17, 2017 at 8:42PM UTC by kf

Download APK
7.58 MB

What's new in WEARVR 2.0.6

Everyone can enjoy:
- New categories to help you find exactly what you're looking for
- Improved search functionality
- Filter by Paid or Free Apps
- View additional information and screenshots for each VR app
- New, cleaner design

About WEARVR 2.0.6

The WEARVR App is here to help you find the latest and greatest Virtual Reality content for your mobile device. No longer will you have to scour the web for Android compatible VR apps - they're all here! Grab your cardboard, download the app and you can start exploring different worlds, playing immersive games or just scaring your friends.

WEARVR is the leading independent Virtual Reality app store, hosting and promoting over 1,000 VR games and experiences across a wide range of genres. From roller coasters, driving and flying sims through to 360-degree videos, social apps and jump scares, you’ll find them all on WEARVR.

Check out the website here:

All versions
WEARVR 2.0.6
January 17, 2017


Uploaded:January 17, 2017 at 8:42PM UTC

File size:7.58 MB

