About Samsung Flow
Move your activity to the device best suited for it, or pause it and get back to it when you have more time.
Samsung Flow is a platform that allows applications to seamlessly transition your activities across devices and time. Using Flow, you can:
• Transfer an activity to the right device for a task. Pick up right where you left off rather than starting from scratch on the new device.
• Defer an activity when the right device is not immediately at hand or there just isn’t enough time to finish up a task. Resume it when you’re ready.
While transferring an activity does require two or more devices, you can defer and resume activities even if you just have a single device.
Flow supports existing applications through Android’s Share mechanism, allowing you to start transferring and deferring activities right away. Flow gets even better when developers provide a Flow action in their applications, allowing them to create truly seamless transitions across devices and time.
Flow is currently available as a public beta in the United States for the latest Samsung Android devices, including:
• Galaxy S6 and S6 Edge
• Galaxy S5
• Galaxy S4 (KitKat only)
• Note 4 and Note Edge
• Galaxy Alpha
• Galaxy Tab S
• Galaxy Tab A
• Galaxy Tab Pro (experimental)
• Galaxy Note Pro 12.2 (experimental)
• Galaxy Note 10.1 2014 (experimental)
• Galaxy Note 8 (experimental)
Contact us at flow-inquiries@samsung.com if you have trouble with Flow on any of these devices. You can also find us in the Samsung Flow Google+ community: https://plus.google.com/communities/117959310637974348506
For more information visit http://thinktankteam.info/flow.
Developers, to learn how to integrate your applications with Flow, visit http://thinktankteam.info/flow/developers.html
Use of Samsung Flow is governed by our Terms of Use (http://thinktankteam.info/flow/license.html) and Privacy Policy (http://www.samsung.com/us/common/privacy.html).