Download SL Screen Off plugin 1.4 APK

App: SL ScreenOff plugin
Version: 1.4 (4)
Package: ginlemon.smartlauncher.extratool
Downloads: 102
0.02 MB (16,466 bytes)
Min: Android 2.3 (Gingerbread, API 9)
Target: Android 8.0 (Oreo, API 26)
Features: 1
Uploaded August 20, 2017 at 6:57AM UTC by AppGallery by Huawei

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0.02 MB

What's new in SL Screen Off plugin 1.4

- Name changed from "SL Extra" to "SL Screen Off plugin"
- Included a new disclousure as required by the recent changes to the Google Play Store policies

About SL Screen Off plugin 1.4

This app works only with Smart Launcher
This app uses the Device Administrator permission, in order to use a restricted API that allows to turn off your device screen

This plugin will enable Smart Launcher to use some extra features. Actually you need this plugin to turn off the screen with a double tap using Smart Launcher. The plugin is very lightweight (only few kb) and doesn't influence battery life and memory usage.

PLEASE NOTE: SL extra requires some advanced permission (just to turn off the screen indeed). So after enabling it, you won't be able to uninstall this app unless you disable it in the SL's preferences. Then you will be able to uninstall this app like every other app. Here is a video tutorial:

If you think this procedure is too hard for you, just don't install this app. You will still be able to use the most part of the Smart Launcher features.

All versions
SL Screen Off plugin 1.4
August 20, 2017


Uploaded:August 20, 2017 at 6:57AM UTC

File size:0.02 MB

