What's new in Quick Panel (Android TV) 3.1.19.e756878

fix installation issue on non-TCL devices

About Quick Panel (Android TV) 3.1.19.e756878

[DISCLAIMER!]: Quick Panel Only Support TCL Android TV, is the pre-install system app on TCL Android TV

A product that allows users to quickly open or switch apps and contents. Recent Apps are the main function.

When you open the quick panel, the default focus is on the latest used app’s entry.
Tools Area is placed the entries of Search, Google settings, etc.
TCL’s App Area is placed TCL feature apps, such as Game center, TCL channel etc. As we promised before, there will not have any 3rd party apps entries here.
Recent Used App Area is placed 3 latest used apps, the first one is the latest used app, the third one is the oldest used app.

All versions
Quick Panel (Android TV) 3.1.19.e756878


Uploaded:September 16, 2023 at 6:01AM UTC

File size:6.4 MB



Uploaded:May 17, 2023 at 5:41PM UTC

File size:6 MB


Quick Panel (Android TV) 2.0.4.f8329b9


Uploaded:December 1, 2021 at 6:40AM UTC

File size:5.71 MB
