About PASSNOW 5.3.3
Basic features
* PASSNOW now also supports tablet devices with Android 7.0.
* If you use AQUOS K SHF31/SHF32, update PASSNOW on AQUOS K SHF31/SHF32.
From the main menu, choose Service→SHSHOW.
* If you use AQUOS ケータイ(SoftBank), AQUOS ケータイ 504SH(Y!mobile), AQUOS ケータイSH-06G(docomo), update your phone with the latest software.
From the main menu, choose Settings→Others→About phone →Software update.
■Features for mobile phone
・Send a picture to your tablet and display it by pressing "*" key when the picture is displayed.
・Transfer incoming call or mail notifications received on your mobile phone to your tablet.
・Have your tablet ring when it is located near your mobile phone.
・Share a web page displayed on your mobile phone with your tablet.
・Send a document to your tablet and display it by pressing "*" key on the Doc. data list.
■Features for tablet
・Import pictures and videos shot on your mobile phone to your tablet.
・Turn the Wi-Fi tethering function of your mobile phone on and off.
・Transfer incoming call or mail notifications received on your tablet to your mobile phone.
・Send SMS from your tablet as a quick reply when your mobile phone receives a call.
・Have your mobile phone ring when it is located near your tablet.
・Send a phone number to your mobile phone by tapping the number and make a phone call.
*Some features may not be available depending on the model.
■Supported phones:
・AQUOS ケータイ SH-06G
・AQUOS ケータイ SH-01J
・AQUOS ケータイ
・AQUOS ケータイ2
・AQUOS ケータイ 504SH
・AQUOS ケータイ2 602SH
<SIM free>
・AQUOS ケータイ SH-N01
The software includes open source software provided under certain open source license agreements.
By installing the software, you agree to the privacy policy and terms of use.
■Open source license
■Terms of use