Download CapTune 1.8.1 APK

Version: 1.8.1 (722)
Languages: 72
Package: com.sennheiser.captune
Downloads: 3,107
9.1 MB (9,537,709 bytes)
Min: Android 4.4 (Kitkat, API 19)
Target: Android 9.0 (Pie, API 28)
armeabi + armeabi-v7a + x86
Permissions: 11Features: 4Libraries: 1
Uploaded January 5, 2019 at 1:52PM UTC by Omar Laaroussi

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9.1 MB

CapTune notes

APK Notes:

CapTune 1.8.1 Update
Performance optimization and bugfixes
Compatible with Android P

What's new in CapTune 1.8.1

Performance optimization and bugfixes
Compatible with Android P

About CapTune 1.8.1

Your Music. Your Way.
Introducing CapTune by Sennheiser.

CapTune is a premium music player and a powerful sound optimisation tool for your headphones, putting you in control of the music you love. Make precise adjustments with the equalizer or simply choose presets and effects to fit your taste, mood or surroundings. And then, save your Sound Profiles to suit your listening environment and personalise your listening experience anytime, anywhere.

What’s more, CapTune works seamlessly with DLNA enabled devices and integrates TIDAL so you can create your own multi-source playlists.

Key Features:
– Integration of player and equalizer in one app
– SoundCheck to set personal equalizer by A/B listening tests
– Equalizer presets and effects; created by Sennheiser, personalized by user

All versions
CapTune 1.8.1
January 5, 2019


Uploaded:January 5, 2019 at 1:52PM UTC

File size:9.1 MB

