About [DB] Collins ENG-POL Dictionary 1.5.002
This dictionary is the DB installation file for "Dictionary for Samsung". This cannot be run independently. Search and download "Dictionary for Samsung" app.
Thanks to Samsung, users of Samsung mobile devices can download the highly acclaimed Collins English-Polish Dictionary entirely free of charge.
Collins is the leading publisher of bilingual English dictionaries in the world and top in its field in terms of dictionary making know-how. Its dedicated team of lexicographers makes use of a vast array of language data to compile up-to-date dictionaries with a wealth of examples and grammatical information. The word definitions are written specifically to enable language users to know how and when to best use a particular word.
▶Dictionary features include◀
Collins English-Polish Dictionary
Słownik Collinsa angielsko-polski
• published by Collins, one of the world's leading dictionary makers.
• clearly presented word entries with many phrases and examples.
• updated to cover the latest vocabulary.
• detailed grammatical information on each headword and its various uses, including irregular forms, perfective form, case agreement
• each English headword is annotated with its actual pronunciation.
• use the marker to highlight sections of interest in a word definition.
■ Detailed guide for required access items when using Dictionary
Permission to save: Access to save required files such as database and fonts for dictionary storage and dictionary use by language
■ CS center : support@selvasai.com
*Please check the link below if you have any concerns about the installation and using of Dictionary.
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