What's new in Storage Saver

First launch

About Storage Saver

Are you running out of memory space? The “Storage Saver” app helps you to free up space on your Samsung smartphone in a quick, easy, and very simple way.

It gathers solutions already in your phone, making it even more visible, with immediate and attractive access to the user. With the app, you can delete pictures and videos that are already synchronized with your Samsung Cloud, delete unnecessary and duplicated files and even move many of your apps to SD card in a quick and efficient way. The app also works as an assistant, whenever the phone memory reaches a predefined limit, you will be notified.

The features “Free up phone space”, and “Get more space” are only available for some 7.0 Android system models.

All versions
Storage Saver
August 30, 2017


Uploaded:August 30, 2017 at 4:49AM UTC

File size:1.84 MB
