Download Books by Kobo 2.6.422 APK

App: Kobo
Version: 2.6.422 (422)
Languages: 3
Downloads: 57
2.14 MB (2,240,003 bytes)
Supports installation on external storage.
Min: Android 1.6 (Donut, API 4)
Permissions: 9Features: 2
Uploaded November 18, 2015 at 8:09PM GMT+0000 by tigeristiger

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Books by Kobo notes

APK Notes:

Backup from Samsung Galaxy S2 running Android 2.3.4.

About Books by Kobo 2.6.422

From version 2.7.942:

Start browsing millions of free and affordable books from the palm of your hand. Find everything from the hottest new releases to popular classics. With Kobo, reading books on your Samsung Smartphone couldn't be easier. Top reasons Kobo is the best eReading app: 1. Share quotes, notes and books on Facebook. - Share your favorite passage and thoughts on a book with your friends - Recommend a book from your library to a friend 2: Add books to your library from e-mail, the web, or your Dropbox account. - Add books in EPUB format to your Android storage, Browser, Mail or Dropbox and select Import Content from the library menu - Unlicensed, DRM-free books only 3: Transfer books to any device. - Using a Kobo app on your Smartphone, desktop, or tablet, your books and even your bookmarks follow you so you'll never lose your place - Plus, read books from other platforms as long as they're in the open standards the Kobo service supports, like ePub and PDF. - Kindle not supported 4: Browse millions of books in the Kobo Store. - Over 2.2 million new releases and popular best sellers at great prices - Over 1.8 million free books - Buy books on the go and start reading in seconds 5: Customize your reading experience. - Enjoy crisp, clear text, and choose the size and style of text that you prefer - Highlight your favorite passages and add notes to your books - Try Night Mode for easier nighttime reading - Read and lock the screen in portrait or landscape mode - Change pages using your volume key - Adjust the screen brightness 6: Preview books and try before you buy. - Enjoy free first chapter previews of thousands of select books 7: Enjoy library synchronization across all your Kobo apps. - Use multiple Kobo eBook apps with a single Kobo account, and let Kobo keep track of your books and bookmarks for you. Moving the application to SD card storage is not available due to the unique structure of service.

All versions
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File size:3.33 MB

