About [PORT] [APP] [7.0+] [Google Pixel 4/XL] Pixel Wallpapers 19 10 PP-7.0+ arm64
- Android 7.0+ support by removing the WallpaperColors API introduced in Android 8.1 (API 27). Due to this, System UI color will not change according to the live wallpaper on the supported devices. I will try to add another APK for them later.
- ARM 64 devices only. However, you can test on other devices also but it is not officially supported.
- Some features are Google/Pixel exclusive so, please don't expect them on all the devices.
- Disabled Ambient Mode for Android 10 devices as it is only supported by the apps signed with system signature. So, it will not work on Always On display.
- Tested on Xperia Z5 Android 7.1 (API 25).
Pixel Wallpapers 19
Living Universe
Tarout Bay, Saudi Arabia
Mount Pilatus, Switzerland
Uluru, Australia
Come Alive
Garden: Leafy
Garden: Rocky
Garden: Prickly
Sights From The Sun
- It will not replace previous Pixel Wallpapers as the package name is different. So, you can install all the wallpapers (from Pixel, Pixel 2, Pixel 3 and Pixel 4) together.
1. Uninstall any previous apk otherwise, signature conflict will occur.
2. Download the apk from below section.
3. Install it as normal app using any file manager or via adb.
4. Select from different live wallpapers. Wallpapers > Live wallpapers.
- On some devices/ROMs (like Samsung, etc.), please install Google Wallpapers to set live wallpapers.
- On some devices, it is required to allow the location permission manually via:
Settings > Apps > Pixel wallpapers 19 > Permission > Location.
How to set wallpaper on the lock screen?
It depends on the ROM. Please contact your ROM developer or device manufacturer.
Not working on Exynos, Kirin or any other chipset?
These wallpapers are designed according to the Snapdragon chipset so, I can't do much in this.
What will be the impact on battery life after using these wallpapers?
It depends on the device and chipset, we cannot control battery drain completely as these wallpapers perform some heavy OpenGL task in the background. Snapdragon 845 is a battery efficient and powerful chipset so, these are perfect for Pixel 3/XL devices. Although, some users experienced no battery drain and some have it. It is very uncertain and difficult to answer.
Working but why there is too much lag?
It really needs some good hardware so, don't expect them to be running smoothly on low end devices (like Snapdragon 400 and 600 series). If lagging in higher end devices (like Snapdragon 800 series) then, may be some GPU drivers issue. Please report with logcats or contact your ROM developer.
What about arm32 (Nexus 6, OnePlus One, etc.) devices?
Some wallpapers are found to be working on some devices. Logcat posted by @pav2805 for device OnePlus One, clearly mentions that OpenGL ES version is not supported which means that hardware is incompatible. Unfortunately, no fix is available yet.
App not installed error on some Samsung or LG devices?
- Enable Samsung live wallpaper picker or LG live wallpaper picker from the package disabler. Give a thanks to @mohitgalaxy3 on this post.
- Do not select them from the Google Wallpapers app. Go to Settings > Wallpapers and themes > Wallpapers > View all. Once it shows all the wallpapers, select the 3 dots in the upper right corner, it should say Live wallpapers. Select the desired wallpaper and Apply. Give a thanks to @G0DLIKE DEMON on this post.

Pixel 4 live wallpapers ported to other phones [APK Download]
Version:10 PP-7.0+ arm64
Uploaded:October 7, 2019 at 4:15AM UTC
File size:55.55 MB
Version:10 PP-8.1+ arm64
Uploaded:October 6, 2019 at 10:53PM UTC
File size:55.55 MB