Download SideSqueeze+ 2.23 APK
Package: com.pocketdevelopers.sidesqueeze
Downloads: 12
Target: Android 9.0 (Pie, API 28)
What's new in SideSqueeze+ 2.23
- Add: 6 new Global S Pen gestures (up-then-down, down-then-up, left-then-right, right-then-left, shake up-and-down, shake left-and-right)
- Add: Shortcuts to Plus module
- Improved haptic feedback for squeeze gestures
- Easier to trigger an Inertial Squeeze
- Improved stability
- Fixed a potential crash
About SideSqueeze+ 2.23
SideSqueeze+ is an app that brings extended functionality to your unrooted (or rooted) Galaxy device, helping you to do more with it. The primary feature of SideSqueeze+ is detecting both squeeze and press gestures via the analysis of barometric sensor pressure data. However with the recent addition of the Plus module, more functionality has been added, such as: fingerprint vibration (for both front and back fingerprint scanners), face/iris unlock vibration, navigation gesture vibration, customizable fingerprint unlock actions (start the camera when you unlock with a certain finger, etc), slice gestures, double chop gestures, automatic biometric lockout, accidental touch protection options, power button long-press, various volume button combinations, S Pen button press, double press, and long press remaps, S Pen global air override (wave your pen at any time to perform home/back/recents/etc).
If your device cannot use the pressure features, you can use this app just for the Plus module by simply switching off both squeeze and press detection. This will completely suspend the analysis engine, and leave all Plus module functionality intact.
SideSqueeze+ values your privacy. It does not contain ads, nor does it collect or harvest your data. It doesn't even request permission to access the internet.
Squeeze/press functionality is only compatible with (most) weather-sealed Galaxy phones from 2017 onward. Unfortunately every phone (and case that it's in) is unique. Some devices, even of the same model, are more sensitive than others, and harder cases can add another variable by absorbing more of your squeeze. Be sure to perform a calibration as soon as you install this app. If you would like more information, check out the "Analyzer" tab in the app for a visual representation of your gesture. Be advised: SideSqueeze+ may have difficulty working with bulky cases.
For the Plus module to work (as well as certain actions), a command has to be run from a computer via Android Developer Bridge (adb). Instructions can be found from within the app on the Help tab. This step only needs to be performed once.
Features (not all available in trial mode):
- Root not required
- Efficient pressure detection engine, designed to be lightweight with no noticeable impact on battery life (note: the Plus module uses no power)
- 7 detectable squeeze types (single, double, triple, quadruple, long, long double-squeeze, and inertial)
- 3 detectable press types (single, long, and 2-finger)
- Plus module adds over 20 more things depending upon your device (Fingerprint Vibration, Fingerprint Unlock Actions, Face/Iris Unlock Vibration, Navigation Gesture Vibration, Slice Gestures, Double Chop Gestures, Status Bar Flicks, Lockscreen Triple Tap Gestures, Automatic Biometric Lockout, Accidental Touch Protection Options, Power Button Long Press, Volume Up + Power Button, Volume Down + Power Button, Volume Button Roll (down-to-up and up-to-down), Dual Volume Button Press, Double Press, and Triple Press, S Pen Button Press, Double Press, and Long Press, S Pen Global Air Overrides, S Pen Insert/Remove)
- Independently selectable criteria allow you to assign multiple actions to almost all trigger types (if lockscreen open, if homescreen open, if camera open, if S Pen detached, if the phone is ringing, if in-call, or if screen is off)
- Play custom sounds
- App picker to launch any app
- Tasker integration to launch a task
- Quick Settings tile to toggle detection engine (longpress to open)
- Wide selection of common actions, such as flashlight toggling, etc.
- Calibration assistant to customize SideSqueeze+ to your device's unique characteristics
- Squeeze/press analyzer to help you diagnose any problems you may encounter
SideSqueeze+ 2.23 variants
This release comes in several variants (we currently have 2). Consult our handy FAQ to see which download is right for you.
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