Download Scoop 2.0.3 APK
Target: Android 9.0 (Pie, API 28)
About Scoop 2.0.3
Scoop: Catches a stack trace when an app crashes unexpectedly
This module - as the description says - saves the stack trace of a crashing app and displays all crashes in a list so you don't have to look through a long logcat anymore. Additionally you get a notification on every crash (configurable) which already displays the most important information.
This app is based on @MrWasdennnoch's Scoop Xposed module which doesn't work on Android Pie anymore (no Xposed ), so I forked it and made it work without Xposed. I've also made some UI changes so the app feels more modern.
The app still packs many functionalities like the old module does, with a nice addition. These are the supported features.
- Search in crashed apps
- Search in stack trace
- Crash preview in notification
- Combination of same crashes / apps to avoid long repetetive lists
- Crash blacklist
- Quick actions to copy / share a stack trace
- Uploading to dogbin for convenient sharing.
For unrooted/ADB users
1. Install ADB on your computer
2. Enable USB debugging on your phone and connect it to your computer
3. Install the app on your phone
4. Open a command prompt
5. Type the command below and press enter
adb shell pm grant xyz.paphonb.scoop android.permission.READ_LOGS
6. Open the app
7. You should now see a notification that indicates that the app is running.
8. Go crash an app and it will show up
For rooted users:
1. Install and open the app
2. Grant root permission
3. You should now see a notification that indicates that the app is running.
4. Go crash an app and it will show up