Download SuperWallpaperSaturn (Ouxyl's port) ALPHA-2.6.561-11211547-ogl-64-fix1 APK
Version: ALPHA-2.6.561-11211547-ogl-64-fix1 (206000561)
Languages: 78
Package: com.miui.miwallpaper.saturn
Downloads: 3,083
Target: Android 8.0 (Oreo, API 26)
What's new in SuperWallpaperSaturn (Ouxyl's port) ALPHA-2.6.561-11211547-ogl-64-fix1
Xiaomi SuperWallpapers 2.6.561-fix1
Ported from HyperOS
- 18 beautifully animated live wallpapers
- 6 packages (Earth, Geometry, Mars, Moon, Saturn, Snow Mountain)
- Available as non root version (apk) and root version (magisk/ksu/apatch module)
- AOD Wallpapers only work on root version
- You may need Google Wallpapers to apply the live wallpapers
- Fixed wallpaper crashing on lockscreen after a restart
- Updated MoonSuperWallpapers to 2.6.563
Known bugs:
- AOD wallpapers don’t work on some OEM roms (OxygenOS, Oneui > 6.1)
- @linuxct, @Frxncyyy, @dellschvlz for testing and help
About SuperWallpaperSaturn (Ouxyl's port) ALPHA-2.6.561-11211547-ogl-64-fix1
From version ALPHA-2.6.561-11211547-ogl-64:
Xiaomi SuperWallpapers 2.6.561
Ported from HyperOS
⬇️ Download (telegra.ph/Download-02-14-12)
🖼 Screenshots (telegra.ph/Screenshots-03-03-221)
ℹ️ Description:
- 18 beautifully animated live wallpapers
- 6 packages (Earth, Geometry, Mars, Moon, Saturn, Snow Mountain)
📄 Notes:
- Available as non root version (apk) and root version (magisk/ksu module)
- AOD Wallpapers only work on root version
- You may need Google Wallpapers (play.google.com/store/apps/details?id=com.google.android.apps.wallpaper) to apply the live wallpapers
🗒 Changelog:
- Initial port
❌ Known bugs:
- AOD wallpapers don’t work on some OEM skins (OneUI, OxygenOS)
🤖 Compatibility:
- arm64-v8a, armeabi-v7a
- Android 8.0+
- NonRoot, Root
👥 Credits:
- @linuxct, @romashkagene, @Frxncyyy for testing and help