What's new in SmartNews for docomo(旧マイマガジン) 24.10.11
ドコモが提供するニュースアプリ「マイマガジン」は「SmartNews for docomo」にアップデートしました。
- ドコモとスマートニュースが共同運営し、これまでと同じく無料でご利用いただけます。
- 使いやすく読みやすいデザインで様々な記事を楽しめます。
- 天気情報が見やすく便利に、雨雲レーダー機能も使えます。
- おトクなクーポンや、dポイントがたまるキャンペーンが利用できます。
About SmartNews for docomo(旧マイマガジン) 24.10.11
The news app "My Magazine" provided by Docomo has been updated to "SmartNews for docomo".
SmartNews for docomo delivers daily high-quality, familiar information about what's happening in the world and useful information for your daily life.
All-you-can-read information on trending news, local news, and hobbies for free! We also distribute campaigns where you can accumulate d points and the latest information on deals.
Just use one hand to flip through current news with a wealth of content such as domestic and international politics, economics, gourmet, entertainment, sports, IT, and coupons.
Choose a channel that suits your lifestyle from a wealth of content!
You won't miss not only the trending news but also the news you want to see.
The weather forecast is also reflected in real time, and you can check when it will rain using the rain cloud radar.
That is the news app "SmartNews for docomo".
Download SmartNews for docomo(旧マイマガジン) 24.10.11
This release may come in several variants. Consult our handy FAQ to see which download is right for you.