What's new in VTS for Android v.12

Add a dialog after scan to denote whether the device is vulnerable or not
Bubble vulnerable items to the top of the list

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A more recent upload may be available below!

About VTS for Android v.12

This tool probes your device for publicly-known system vulnerabilities. All data will stay on your device and will not be shared without your explicit consent. If the app says you're affected, please read https://www.nowsecure.com/blog/2015/11/18/my-device-is-vulnerable-now-what/. This application is not malicious, and because it’s an open-source project you can see this for yourself on the app’s Github repo https://github.com/nowsecure/android-vts.

Please file any bugs, issues, or feature requests at: https://github.com/nowsecure/android-vts/issues. Note that some anti-virus programs may flag this application because it probes the device for weaknesses.

This tool is meant to show the end user the attack surface that a given device is susceptible to. In implementing these checks we attempt to minimize or eliminate both false positives/false negatives without negatively affecting system stability. The application is open source and you can contribute or review the source code at https://github.com/nowsecure/android-vts.

When a vulnerability is discovered, Google receives word and applies a patch to Android. The Nexus devices are usually the devices that receive these patches quickest as they deviate the least (read: not all) from AOSP (Android Open Source Project - The core of Android, where Google commits to). The lag time between learning about a bug and the time when a patch is applied to a device can still be significant (for OEMs, it can be > 1 year or never). For example, the futex bug (CVE-2014-3153/Towelroot) was known about in late May, early June. This bug took multiple months to get patched on the flagship (at the time) Nexus 5. This leaves users extremely vulnerable to attack from applications. Users mostly do not know that their devices are vulnerable and this tool is meant to give visibility into the vulnerabilities a given device is susceptible to.

Download VTS for Android v.12

This release may come in several variants. Consult our handy FAQ to see which download is right for you.

v.12 APK
December 3, 2015
Android 4.0.3+
All Releases
VTS for Android v.13
December 15, 2015


Uploaded:December 15, 2015 at 11:31PM UTC

File size:2.24 MB


VTS for Android v.12
December 3, 2015


Uploaded:December 3, 2015 at 10:22PM UTC

File size:2.02 MB


VTS for Android v.9
November 21, 2015


Uploaded:November 21, 2015 at 12:51AM UTC

File size:5.01 MB

