About Space Agency 1.9.12
Do you want to build and fly your own space rockets?
Of course you do!
Are you a billionaire?
No...that makes it tricky.
Fortunately, there is a way for us non-billionaires to run our own space programme...Space Agency!
* Build rockets
* Launch satellites
* Create a space station
* Explore the solar system
This is a highly challenging and complex game. Only the most talented astronauts should attempt it.
Have you got the right stuff?
Download Space Agency 1.9.12
This release comes in several variants (we currently have 4). Consult our handy FAQ to see which download is right for you.
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These APKs are signed by Nooleus and upgrade your existing app.
APK certificate fingerprints
SHA-1: d8ee4a1c82420fff1ddfe667cbcecf0a95286169SHA-256: 6692c933ba6d7554a2a81709548a3e66f452c3389c75597599c7b2eeddacf465
Certificate: CN=Andrew Barry, OU=Android Dev, O=Nooleus, L=Derby, ST=Derbyshire, C=UK