Download DarQ 2.1 APK
Target: Android 11 (API 30)
What's new in DarQ 2.1
DarQ 2.1 contains a few new features and fixes:
Backup and Restore your config to device or the cloud
A rewritten Xposed module with the ability to make even more apps work with force dark, including Snapchat and an option (enabled by default) to fix the inverted (black on dark) status bar icon colors.
Fixed crashes related to navigation in the app
Fixed a crash where requesting root could cause a crash
Improved some Material You theming throughout the app
Please note, if you use the Xposed module currently, your settings may be reset by this update. Read the instructions in the XDA thread to workaround this.
About DarQ 2.1
From version 2.0:
DarQ provides a per-app selectable force dark option for Android 10 and above.
It uses a root or Shizuku (ADB) service to apply the theme seamlessly and quickly, without needing an accessibility service.
DarQ also provides an option to apply the system dark theme (as well as selectable force dark) only after sunset and before sunrise, protecting your eyes when it's most needed.
Please read the Frequently Asked Questions sections in the app or here for more information and some answers to questions
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Dark mode enforcer DarQ is among the first apps to work with Android 12's theming engine
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