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Download DarQ 2.0 APK
Target: Android 11 (API 30)
What's new in DarQ 2.0
DarQ 2.0 is a complete, from scratch rewrite of DarQ, with a lot of improvements:
- DarQ 2.0 has an entirely new design, with Material You elements and Monet (wallpaper-based) colours.
- The ADB script is now gone, and instead Shizuku handles the service on non-root devices. If you don't know what Shizuku is, think of it like a Superuser app for non-root devices. Start Shizuku via ADB on a computer (or even on your phone on Android 11 and above) once per boot, and any app that uses Shizuku can use ADB services.
- The Accessibility Service has been replaced with a ProcessObserver, using the Shizuku/Root service. This is much quicker than Accessibility, so apps that previously were opening too quick to be supported may now work.
- Improvements to the auto dark theme at sunrise/sunset to work better on different devices.
- Improvements to the Xposed module for apps that try to block the use of force dark, preventing them from doing so.
About DarQ 2.0
DarQ provides a per-app selectable force dark option for Android 10 and above.
It uses a root or Shizuku (ADB) service to apply the theme seamlessly and quickly, without needing an accessibility service.
DarQ also provides an option to apply the system dark theme (as well as selectable force dark) only after sunset and before sunrise, protecting your eyes when it's most needed.
Please read the Frequently Asked Questions sections in the app or here for more information and some answers to questions
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File size:13.18 MB
Uploaded:July 9, 2021 at 2:14AM UTC
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Dark mode enforcer DarQ is among the first apps to work with Android 12's theming engine
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Uploaded:July 2, 2019 at 6:22PM UTC
File size:4.14 MB