About Developer Sample Locations App 1.0.1
This is a sample app that showcases the location features in the Location and Observation Platform (LOOP) SDK (https://www.loop.ms/). This app is only intended to be used as a developer sample app, and not for end users.
LOOP is an analytics platform for location. You can drop in our SDK into your Android or iOS app, and automatically receive location analytics. Signals are synced with loop.ms, and you can view the data on your developer dashboard. Battery and memory usage are efficiently managed by LOOP.
Location features demo'd in this sample app:
- Auto-detect home & work - After using the app for a few days, LOOP will auto detect where you live and work. The sample app downloads with sample home & work profiles.
- Location history - see the history of places you’ve visited with details including: duration, coordinates, and time of each visit. Create a geofencing trigger when your user visits the gym.
- Map view - click on a location you've visited to see the place in a map view.
Next steps to building with LOOP:
- View our source code for this sample app - This sample app code is open sourced on Github. https://github.com/Microsoft/Loop-Sample-Location-Android
- Request a LOOP invite - You can request an invite for a developer account at https://www.loop.ms/, and fork the sample code to build your own location aware apps
- Explore our docs: https://www.loop.ms/docs
We want to hear from you. We are early in development, and talking with developers like you gives us a real opportunity to make sure we’re building the right tools. Please join our community at https://msloop.uservoice.com/forums/378507-loop, and let us if you have any features suggestions / questions.
By installing this app, you agree to the Terms of Use (http://go.microsoft.com/fwlink/?LinkID=530144) and Privacy Policy (http://go.microsoft.com/fwlink/?LinkId=521839)