Download Logitech Squeezebox Controller 1.1.4 APK

App: Squeezebox
Version: 1.1.4 (6)
Package: com.logitech.squeezeboxremote
Downloads: 1,161
2.89 MB (3,033,733 bytes)
Min: Android 2.1 (Eclair, API 7)
Permissions: 3Features: 2
Uploaded March 15, 2012 at 10:02PM UTC by HoldTheDoor

Download APK
2.89 MB

What's new in Logitech Squeezebox Controller 1.1.4

Squeezebox Controller App v1.1.4 changes:
- fix Ice Cream Sandwich (Android 4) compatibility issues

About Logitech Squeezebox Controller 1.1.4

Logitech Squeezebox™ Controller puts a fully featured Squeezebox remote where you want it: on your Android smartphone or tablet. It uses your home Wi-Fi to control all your Squeezebox players, whether you have one Squeezebox Radio or a house full of Squeezebox Boom, Squeezebox Touch and Squeezebox Duet. Built by Squeezebox for Squeezebox, it gives you intuitive, seamless control and all the options you have on your Squeezebox players on every screen. You’ll have full command of your Squeezebox on the smart screen at your fingertips with the Logitech Squeezebox Controller App.

All versions
Logitech Squeezebox Controller 1.1.4


Uploaded:March 15, 2012 at 10:02PM UTC

File size:2.89 MB

