Download Logitech Keyboard Config App 1.00.1 APK

App: LogiKbdPatch
Version: 1.00.1 (1)
Package: logitech.keyboard.hotkey
Downloads: 272
0.72 MB (750,316 bytes)
Min: Android 1.5 (Cupcake, API 3)
Permissions: 5Features: 1
Uploaded October 8, 2013 at 10:04PM GMT+0000 by HoldTheDoor

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About Logitech Keyboard Config App 1.00.1

This app updates settings on the Samsung Galaxy Tab™ to support the shortcut keys on the Logitech® Tablet Keyboard for Android™ 3.0+. If your Galaxy Tab is already configured for this keyboard, you can use the app to restore your original settings. To use this app, please ensure that Bluetooth® is turned on and the Logitech Tablet Keyboard is paired to your tablet.

All versions
Logitech Keyboard Config App 1.00.1
October 8, 2013 GMT+0000


Uploaded:October 8, 2013 at 10:04PM GMT+0000

File size:0.72 MB

