Download Snow Mountain Super Wallpaper linuxct-2.6.151-12171721-201220 APK
Languages: 78
Package: com.miui.miwallpaper.superwallpaper.snowmountain.linuxct
Downloads: 405,288
Target: Android 10 (Q, API 29)
Snow Mountain Super Wallpaper notes
Snow Mountain Super Wallpaper, extracted from MIUI 12 and ported to any Android 8.0+ device.
This wallpaper features a snowy mountain peak, with changing sky and scenery according to the time of the day.
WARNING: This wallpaper needs a very capable device in order to perform good. The renderer used in these is OpenGL, so the better OpenGL performance your device has, the better they will look like.
WARNING; This wallpaper will not work on certain SoCs due to a different OpenGL ES implementation, like some Exynos, Kirin and Mediatek devices. DO NOT REPORT PROBLEMS ON THESE DEVICES, THEY WILL BE IGNORED.