Download Lawnfeed dev APK
Target: Android 10 (Q, API 29)
What's new in Lawnfeed dev
We’re thrilled to release Lawnchair 11 Alpha 1 – an early version built from the ground up and based on the latest from AOSP. It includes many of our core features:
• At a Glance widget
• Dock search bar
• Icon pack support
• Customisable grid dimensions
• Google Feed integration (see below)
• Icon and label resizing
• Swipe down for notifications
• Auto Adaptive Icons with optional coloured backgrounds
• Customisable App Drawer background opacity
And, for the first time, Lawnchair 11 works with QuickSwitch on Android 11. We provide Google Feed integration via the new Lawnfeed 3, compatible only with Lawnchair 11. (For Lawnchair 9 and 10, use Lawnfeed 2.) With new signatures and application IDs, you can install both Lawnchair 11 and Lawnfeed 3 alongside an older release. We are aware of these issues:
• Missing app names in widget drawer
• No screen transitions in Settings
Bear in mind that we’ve only tested Lawnchair 11 on Android 11. Official support for earlier Android versions is planned for the near future – along with background blur, individual shortcut customisation, more icon and label size categories, and much else. We look forward to your feedback!
Finally, we’d like to express our gratitude to Abhijeet Bohra – until recently, the PR manager for Lawnchair. Abhijeet was an invaluable member of our team, and we wish him all the best for the future.