About AppHunt 3.2.2
AppHunt is a curated list of apps and conversations about Android updated in real time. The online community of users select and vote the best content: disruptive new apps, news about Android, reviews about devices, etc.
There is a front page for apps where you can find the most voted apps of the last 7 days. An another front page for all the talks related with the things you should know about Android.
In thetop past section you can find the most voted content of previous weeks and months
In AppHunt you can:
★ Share the best apps with other users (from the Play Store or urls of apks)
★ Share the best articles, news, device reviews or make questions to the community
★ Vote for your favorite apps and conversations
★ Discover the best content about Android
★ Follow the users you like
NOTE: for some of the features, as commenting or share apps, you need to sign in with your Google account.
Translated thanks to:
Kutsan Kaplan (Turkish)
Philipp Dormann (German)
Pratyush Jar (Hindi)
Ben Hendrickx (Dutch)