Download Lean Launcher 1.1.9 APK
Target: Android 8.1 (Oreo, API 27)
What's new in Lean Launcher 1.1.9
1.1.9: for the full change log, please visit github.com/hundeva/Lean-Launcher/releases/tag/lean-1.1.9
- Removed Feed and native At A Glance related options from the release version. Please see the GitHub release for the reasoning behind this decision.
About Lean Launcher 1.1.9
An open source, lightweight, customisable, lean launcher. The source code can be found at the following GitHub repository: github.com/hundeva/Lean-Launcher
This app uses the Device Administrator permission. This is required for double tap to secure lock your device.
Notification dots
Search UI
- bottom search bar
- app search bar
- app suggestions
- voice search shortcut
Look & Feel
- light, dark, or automatic theme based on your wallpaper
- optional black colors for dark theme
- changeable grid counts
- changeable icon sizes
- optional swipe indicator
Edit apps
- hide apps from your drawer
- hide app name from the desktop or your drawer
- changeable icon shape on android 8.0 or later
- basic icon pack support
- adaptive icon support for legacy apps, with optional dynamic background color
-- optional two line app labels
Gestures & Actions
- one finger swipe down for notifications
- two finger swipe down for quick settings
- double tap to lock, with either timeout or secure lock
- customisable home button action on your home screen
- optional static shortcuts
- dynamic shortcuts from android 7.1 or later
- home screen rotation
- option physical animations
- optional transparent navigation bar in your drawer
- lockable desktop