Download Keyboard - Italian Pack with ALM 9.7.774503 APK

Version: 9.7.774503 (961001181)
Downloads: 1,047
2.28 MB (2,390,625 bytes)
Min: Android 4.1 (Jelly Bean, API 16)
Features: 2
Uploaded June 27, 2015 at 8:41PM GMT+0000 by Jens Møller

HTC Corporation Dev Updates

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2.28 MB

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About Keyboard - Italian Pack with ALM 9.7.774503

To ensure that everyone can enjoy the benefit with HTC Sense Input in the language they want, our phones come pre-loaded several languages. If the one you want isn't there, simply download the HTC Sense Input Language Pack where another languages are available.    [ITALIAN LANGUAGE]

All versions
Keyboard - Italian Pack with ALM 9.7.774503


Uploaded:June 27, 2015 at 8:41PM GMT+0000

File size:2.28 MB

