About Identity V (第五人格) 1.5.99
Dear visitor,
The sixth anniversary celebration of Identity V is about to start! A new commission draws the detective's attention to a shipwreck 25 years ago. In order to investigate the truth of that year, the detective decides to participate in a special sailing event, but there are still many preparations to be completed before the sailing day. Participating in the anniversary series of activities can get rich rewards such as avatars, avatar frames, costumes, action unlock cards, unique quality costume unlock cards, rare costume unlock cards, etc.
At the same time, a large number of exquisite costume return activities are launched, including the anniversary costume return event, the return of the series of costumes, and the return of the ivory tower series of costumes, which should not be missed~
亲爱的访客, 第五人格六周年庆活动即将开启!一则新的委托将侦探的目光引向25年前的一场沉船事故,为了调查当年的真相,侦探决定参加一次特殊的航行活动,但在启航日之前,还有许多准备工作需要完成。参与周年庆系列活动可获得头像、头像框、时装、动作解锁卡、独特品质时装解锁卡、奇珍时装解锁卡等丰厚奖励。 同时,海量精美时装返场活动开启,包含周年庆时装返场活动、溯洄系列时装、象牙塔系列时装返场,不容错过~