Download COVID Alert Malta 1.4.3 APK
Target: Android 11 (API 30)
What's new in COVID Alert Malta 1.4.3
COVID Alert Malta can now exchange exposure notifications with contact tracing apps of other European Union (EU) and European Economic Area (EEA) countries of your choice.
COVID Alert Malta issa tista' tiskambja notifiki ta' espożizzjoni ma' apps ta' traċċar ta' kuntatti ta' pajjiżi oħra fl-Unjoni Ewropea (UE) u ż-Żona Ekonomika Ewropea (ŻEE) tal-għażla tiegħek.
About COVID Alert Malta 1.4.3
COVID Alert Malta is the national Maltese app designed to help protect individuals and their loved ones by alerting them if they were in close contact with persons infected with the COVID-19 virus.
The app works in a completely confidential way. It doesn’t store any personal details and doesn’t reveal the identity of infected persons or of their contacts. It doesn’t track where users are located. The app works in the background, using Bluetooth to exchange secret codes between mobile phones that are close to each other for at least 15 minutes. It uses little battery power. If an app user is informed by Public Health that he/she is positive for the COVID-19 virus, he/she will be given a code to be entered voluntarily into the app. This will send secret codes to the mobile phones of persons who were close to the infected person, informing them they might have been exposed to the COVID-19 virus. The contacts will be encouraged to call Helpline 111 for advice and, if necessary, a test will be organised.
The more persons use the app, the more it becomes effective, as the app will notify more potentially infected users. The app does not replace traditional contact tracing, but it provides a new tool to combat the spread of the COVID-19 virus.
COVID Alert Malta has been developed jointly by the Superintendence of Public Health of the Ministry for Health, Malta IT Agency (MITA) and the Malta Digital Innovation Authority (MDIA). For more information, visit covidalert.gov.mt.
COVID Alert Malta hi l-app nazzjonali Maltija ddiżinjata biex tipproteġi l-individwi u l-maħbubin tagħhom billi tallertahom jekk kienu f’kuntatt mill-viċin ma’ persuni infettati bil-virus tal-COVID-19.
L-app taħdem b’mod għal kollox kunfidenzjali. Ma terfax ġo fiha dettalji personali u ma tikxifx l-identità la ta’ persuni infettati u lanqas tal-kuntatti tagħhom. Ma tittraċċjax fejn jinsab min juża l-app. L-app taħdem fl-isfond; tuża l-Bluetooth biex tiskambja kodiċi sigrieti bejn mobiles li jkunu viċin ta’ xulxin għal tallinqas 15-il minuta. Ftit tuża batterija. Jekk xi ħadd li juża l-app jiġi nfurmat mis-Saħħa Pubblika li hu/hi pożittiv/a għall-virus tal-COVID-19, jingħata/tingħata kodiċi biex tiddaħħal volontarjament fl-app. Din tibgħat kodiċi sigrieti lill-mobiles ta’ persuni li kienu viċin tal-persuna infettata u tinfurmahom li setgħu kienu esposti għall-virus tal-COVID-19. Il-kuntatti jiġu nkoraġġiti li jċemplu l-Helpline 111 għal parir u, meta jkun hemm bżonn, jiġi organizzat test.
Iktar ma jkun jemm nies li jużaw l-app, iktar issir taħdem sew, għax l-app tallerta iżjed persuni li użaw l-app li setgħu ġew esposti għall-virus. L-app ma tieħux il-post tal-‘contact tracing’ tradizzjonali, imma tipprovdi għodda ġdid biex tiġi miġġielda l-firxa tal-virus tal-COVID-19.
COVID Alert Malta ġiet żviluppata b’mod konġunt mis-Sovrintendenza tas-Saħħa Pubblika tal-Ministeru tas-Saħħa, il-Malta IT Agency (MITA) and l-Malta Digital Innovation Authority (MDIA). Għal iżjed tagħrif, żur covidalert.gov.mt.
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