Download Now in Android 0.1.1 APK
Target: Android 14 (API 34)
What's new in Now in Android 0.1.1
- Search for content in the app bar.
- Notifications. You'll be notified when new content is published which matches your interests.
- Push-based data sync. A 'sync' notification triggers the download of new content.
- Unread notification dot. New content is marked with an 'unread' dot so you know what you haven't read.
- When you remove a bookmark on the 'Saved' screen you can now undo it using a SnackBar.
Thanks to all open source contributors, particularly Simon Marquis.
About Now in Android 0.1.1
Now in Android is a fully functional Android app built entirely with Kotlin and Jetpack Compose. It follows Android design and development best practices and is intended to be a useful reference for developers. As a running app, it's intended to help developers keep up-to-date with the world of Android development by providing regular news updates.
The app is currently in early stage development, you can find the corresponding source code at github.com/android/nowinandroid
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