What's new in Google Santa Tracker (Wear OS) 5.1.4

Santa and the elves' are back for 2017 with lots of new games, a redesigned village, updates for Android Wear and you can follow Santa's journey on Android TV!

About Google Santa Tracker (Wear OS) 5.1.4

Play games with elves in jetpacks, rolling gumballs, sleighs powered by rockets and many more. Once the 24th arrives, follow Santa in his journey around the world. To learn more, visit g.co/santatracker. Happy Holidays!

Apps related to Google Santa Tracker (Wear OS)


Uploaded:December 11, 2019 at 7:19PM UTC

File size:8.91 MB

All versions
Google Santa Tracker (Wear OS) 5.1.4


Uploaded:December 13, 2017 at 7:34PM UTC

File size:1.8 MB
