What's new in Daydream Elements 1.1-33
Three new Elements!
• Object Manipulation: learn how to simulate weight of objects, and how to tune hinges and sliders so they feel natural when interacting with doors and drawers
• Arm Models demo: includes three custom-tuned arm models for swinging, throwing, and shooting, demonstrating how you can approximate 6DOF-style controller interactions with a 3DOF controller
• Constellation menu: gesture-based virtual menu for navigating deep information hierarchies in a simple, responsive way
About Daydream Elements 1.1-33
Learn about principles and best practices for developing high-quality virtual reality by experiencing them for yourself in VR.
Creating immersive and interactive VR experiences introduces a new set of physiological, ergonomic, and technical challenges. How do you move comfortably in VR? How do you get the most performance out of mobile hardware? Elements is a collection of tested solutions that you can try, configure, and use in your own VR apps and games.
VR Principles Covered
1. Locomotion
2. Menus and Virtual Controls
3. Rendering and Lighting
4. Object Interaction
Learn more about these principles and get the source code at g.co/daydream/elements
Elements requires a Daydream-ready phone with a Daydream View headset and controller. Learn more at g.co/daydream
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