What's new in Desert Island - A Digital Wellbeing Experiment f21bf78

Launch release

About Desert Island - A Digital Wellbeing Experiment f21bf78

Desert Island helps you find focus, by challenging you to go a day with only your essential apps. Simply pick the apps that are most important to you, then give it a go for 24 hours.

Desert Island is part of Digital Wellbeing Experiments, a platform to share ideas and tools that help people find a better balance with technology. Try the experiments and create your own at g.co/digitalwellbeingexperiments

Permissions Notice
Device Usage: Needed to show how often you open different apps on your device.

All versions

[Update: 6th app, APKs] Google releases 5 experimental Digital Wellbeing apps


Uploaded:October 23, 2019 at 2:42PM UTC

File size:3.94 MB
