Download Garmin PowerSwitch™ 2.05.06 (2023-06-22 08:29:01) APK

App: PowerSwitch
Version: 2.05.06 (2023-06-22 08:29:01) (20506000)
Languages: 75
Downloads: 7
26.22 MB (27,488,519 bytes)
Min: Android 9.0 (Pie, API 28)
Target: Android 13 (API 33)
arm64-v8a + armeabi-v7a
Permissions: 20Features: 5Libraries: 2
Supports Android Auto
Uploaded June 22, 2023 at 12:00AM UTC by HoldTheDoor

Download APK
26.22 MB

What's new in Garmin PowerSwitch™ 2.05.06 (2023-06-22 08:29:01)

Now with Android Auto support!

The Garmin PowerSwitch app is continually working to improve your experience when using the Garmin PowerSwitch digital switch box. This version includes bug fixes to improve device functionality.

About Garmin PowerSwitch™ 2.05.06 (2023-06-22 08:29:01)

The Garmin PowerSwitch™ app lets you wirelessly control all types of 12-volt accessories on your vehicle. Up to 6 accessories (up to 30 amps each) can be connected to each Garmin PowerSwitch digital switch box.

All versions

Version:2.05.06 (2023-06-22 08:29:01)

Uploaded:June 22, 2023 at 12:00AM UTC

File size:26.22 MB

