Download Termux:GUI (github version) 0.1.5 APK
Target: Android 12 (API 31)
What's new in Termux:GUI (github version) 0.1.5
- Fixed: add aid to onUserLeaveHint event
- Added: method to set selected tab for TabLayout
- Added: method to set clickability of views
- Added: option to specify View visibility at creation
- Added: notifications with custom layout
- Added: normal notifications in addition to custom ones
- Added: method to get plugin version code
- Added: method the set text gravity
- Added: WebView
- navigating history
- set document
- load from URI
- run Javascript code in the WebView
- Added: GridLayout
- Added: method to set the coordinates of views directly. Useful to use FrameLayout to overlay views
- Added: ability to catch the back button as an event.
- Added: method to move views in the layout hierarchy, e.g. to make it go on top of everything else in FrameLayout or reposition it in GridLayout or LinearLayout. This is added to the layout parameters methods.
About Termux:GUI (github version) 0.1.5
From version 0.1.4:
With this plugin you can make GUI applications in Termux without using VNC or a X11 server.
This plugin uses the native Android GUI components to display everything.
That means it seamlessly integrates into the Android experience, but standard applications written for X11 don't work.
Also it requires a minimum of knowledge of how the Android GUI works.
See the README for a crash course.
* Display content in a task with its own back stack
* Display custom dialogs
* If you want you can also display on the lockscreen
* Create your own homescreen widgets
* Use picture-in-picture mode
* Get events from the UI and change the content on-the-fly
* Draw to a buffer on the screen directly
Using the plugin:
There are also prepackaged programs you can use.
There are currently only Python bindings, but the protocol used is fully documented.
Implementing the protocol only requires the ability to use unix sockets, JSON handling and reading and writing 4 byte big endian integers.
The python bindings should provide further clarification in case the protocol didn't specify something.
The python bindings also have a tutorial.
Example code is provided in examples/code, but it's not commented and more used for testing features.
Uploaded:January 11, 2022 at 8:36AM UTC
File size:1.98 MB