Download Termux:Boot (f-droid version) 0.8.1 APK
Version: 0.8.1 (1000)
Package: com.termux.boot
Downloads: 962
Target: Android 9.0 (Pie, API 28)
What's new in Termux:Boot (f-droid version) 0.8.1
From version 0.7:
Update documentation.
About Termux:Boot (f-droid version) 0.8.1
* Start the Termux:Boot app once by clicking on its launcher icon.
* This allow the app to be run at boot.
* Create the ~/.termux/boot/ directory.
* Put scripts you want to execute inside the ~/.termux/boot/ directory.
* If there are multiple files, they will be executed in a sorted order.
Note that you may want to run termux-wake-lock as first thing want to ensure
that the device is prevented from sleeping.
Example: To start an sshd server and prevent the device from sleeping at boot,
create the a file ~/.termux/boot/start-sshd containing the line:
termux-wake-lock && sshd