Download My APKs - backup restore share manage apps apk 4.1 APK
Version: 4.1 (28)
Package: com.frankygoes.myapks
Downloads: 398
Target: Android 4.0 (Ice Cream Sandwich, API 14)
My APKs - backup restore share manage apps apk notes
My APKs 4.1
My APKs is the complete management system for your device apps apk. FREE and AD FREE.
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What's new in My APKs - backup restore share manage apps apk 4.1
My APKs is free and without ads, please support us for keeping it that way.
Changes in 4.1 release:
★ fixed restore operation on certain packages
★ improvements to user interface
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About My APKs - backup restore share manage apps apk 4.1
My APKs is the complete management system for your device apps apk. FREE and AD FREE.
My APKs works with microsd card and does not require root
Main features:
★ backup: save a copy of installed applications on the device
★ verify: assures integrity of backup
★ restore: restores the apk without internet connection
★ report: creates a list of the applications in html, pdf and txt format
★ share: sends applications by email, bluetooth, wifi, chat and loads onto remote storage
★ uninstall: removes the application from the device and keep in sync the backup
★ very light: about 500 kb and requires very few permissions to operate
★ ...and much much more (see HELP)
Please note My APKs doesn't use root permissions, therefore it cannot backup apps settings and data, it only backups the apk.
If you want even more features and options and an advanced online help with translation, try My APKs Pro (see below for our other apps).
Frequently asked questions goo.gl/3ot47H
Please write a review and share My APKs on social networks and with your friends. Thank you.
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DISCLAIMER: The author is not responsible for illegal or wrong usage of My APKs. See goo.gl/coz5PA
Required permissions:
android.permission.VIBRATE : system notifications
android.permission.WAKE_LOCK : avoid device to turn off during backup progress
android.permission.WRITE_EXTERNAL_STORAGE : storing backup and creating report
com.android.vending.BILLING : in-app purchases
★ Try our other apps play.google.com/store/apps/developer?id=Francesco+Pellone