Download Evernote for Android Wear 0.9 APK

Version: 0.9 (9)
Languages: 50
Package: com.evernote.wear
Downloads: 706
2 MB (2,092,881 bytes)
Min: Android 4.2 (Jelly Bean MR1, API 17)
Target: Android 4.3 (Jelly Bean MR2, API 18)
Permissions: 6Features: 4
Supports Wear OS
Uploaded October 2, 2014 at 7:26PM UTC by Artem Russakovskii

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2 MB

About Evernote for Android Wear 0.9

Evernote for Android Wear puts notes and checklists at your fingertips while your phone stays in your pocket.

Key Features:
- Create a note with simple voice commands.
- View a note on your phone, lock the screen and that note appears on your watch.
- Check off to-dos by tapping your watch, and add new to-dos by speaking the to-do name
- Find notes by speaking the text you are looking for
- Find notes you created nearby, and notes you looked at recently
- See relevant notes and content appear on your watch whenever you have a calendar event.
- For recurring meetings, see notes created during prior meeting.

Evernote for Android together with Evernote for Android Wear make your notes accessible at a glance whenever you need them.

All versions
Evernote for Android Wear 0.9


Uploaded:October 2, 2014 at 7:26PM UTC

File size:2 MB

