Download Esselunga 3.7.0 APK

Version: 3.7.0 (51008)
Languages: 76
Downloads: 59
69.15 MB (72,507,736 bytes)
Min: Android 6.0 (Marshmallow, API 23)
Target: Android 13 (API 33)
arm64-v8a + armeabi + armeabi-v7a + mips + mips64 + x86 + x86_64
Permissions: 15Features: 15Libraries: 1
Uploaded May 23, 2024 at 7:44PM UTC by remuremu

Download APK
69.15 MB

What's new in Esselunga 3.7.0

- Bugfix Ti ricordiamo che per qualsiasi suggerimento o segnalazione il Servizio Clienti di Esselunga è a tua completa disposizione per darti sempre ascolto tramite il numero verde 800-666555, il sito e naturalmente l’App.

About Esselunga 3.7.0

Want to be updated in real time about everything that happens in your supermarket Esselunga? Here is the app made for you!
Search your favorite store: you'll have at your fingertips the information on its ordinary and extraordinary openings and closures, you can browse the promotional flyers preview and know all the other discounted products, you will discover the departments and the services.
And do not forget to use the convenient Shopping List that you can easily share with whoever you want.
Finally, you can always monitor your points balance on your card Fìdaty book with a click any prize in the Catalog.
Enable notifications, and the app will take care to warn you about all the news of the Esselunga world!

All versions
Esselunga 3.7.0
May 23, 2024


Uploaded:May 23, 2024 at 7:44PM UTC

File size:69.15 MB

