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Download OS Monitor APK
Supports installation on external storage.
Target: Android 4.2 (Jelly Bean MR1, API 17)
What's new in OS Monitor
- Merge 'Force Close' feature for process view (Thanks to Venryx)
- Hindi Language (Thanks to chaitanya-lakkundi)
- Fix 2 FC issues
- Use new NDK
- Set "maxSdkVersion" as API 23 (it won't support Android 7.0)
- Add a option for notification's background color
- Strip image's information and adjust color
About OS Monitor
% Due to Android 7.0's security enhancement, OS Monitor won't support Android 7.0 and following version %
OS Monitor is a tool for monitoring your Android system.
It offers the following information.
- Processes - monitor all processes.
- Connections - display every network connection.
- Misc - monitor battery, processors, network interfaces and file system.
- Messages - search dmesg or logcat in real-time.
Support Languages:
> Polish - Thanks to Jarek Mazur
> Hebrew - Thanks to Zamarin Arthur
> Italian - Thanks to Gabriele Zappi
> German Language Files - Benko111@XDA
> Russian Language Files - equeim
> Spanish - Thanks to xphnx
> Hungarian - Thanks to Zsigmond
> Serbian - Thanks to pejakm
> Hindi - Thanks to chaitanya-lakkundi
> English
> Chinese
Notice: if you are older device like Android 1.5~2.2, please search "OS Monitor (Legacy)" on Google Play.
% Thanks everyone who help to send crash report!!