What's new in Beta Apps 2.0
- Convert all your apps to Beta! This is what we promised you!
- InstantSearch is back with a bang! Now find the Beta App you were looking for in nanoseconds!
- Added functionality to filter out the secondary beta apps from Playstore
- Added FAQ & About page
- Improved Tablet Support
- Removed exit Ads
- Added few animations
And as always, added more beta apps!
About Beta Apps 2.0
Using Beta Apps, you can get access to a comprehensive list of the Beta version of the most popular apps, and in just a single click- You’re a Beta Tester! Satisfy the geek within you, and get access to all the unreleased features of the apps you have.
Update: With the latest update, you can convert any app you own to its Beta Version. This may be limited by the region you are in.
★What’s Beta and why do I need it?
- Ever wondered when your phone will get that Whatsapp video call update which your friendenemy has had for months?
- Do you wanna brag about hitherto unreleased features in an app and show em off?
Simply switch any app to its Beta version. Beta version is essentially a pre-release version, and using a beta version not only helps that app’s developer in debugging, but allows you access to all the upcoming features which are concealed from the public.
How do you switch to Beta? You google every single app you have, and manually search for its beta links. Sounds tedious?
Then you need this app!
What we provide is a sorted list of the most popular apps, and these redirect to that particular app’s beta page, thus reducing your time and satisfying your dying need to be always up-to-date with everything.
★Get your app featured
If you are a newbie at app development, or interested in beta testing, you’d want your app to reach a wider audience. We’re here to help! Simply switch to Beta Testing, mail us your app’s beta testing link, and we’ll feature your app, no strings attached.
★We'd love to hear from you!
Need help? Got a question about Beta Apps?
Don't hesitate to contact our dedicated support team at: uploadurapp@gmail.com
Pay us a visit at elpsy.herokuapp.com where we're just setting things up.
Honestly, we don’t care if all you wanna do is just game or discuss anime, ping us and we’ll be there at your lan party. Just give us coffee.
Signing off, El Psy Congroo!