Download Dig - Emulator Front-End 1.44.3 APK
Target: Android 13 (API 33)
What's new in Dig - Emulator Front-End 1.44.3
Google now requires apps to use the Storage Access Framework. This version will guide you through updating your game paths if they weren't scanned using the SAF.
About Dig - Emulator Front-End 1.44.3
NOTE: THIS IS NOT A GAME!! If you don't know what emulators and front-ends are this app is not for you!
This is an emulator front-end that will painlessly organize your retro game collection.
Little to no set-up is necessary in many cases. Dig will automatically scan your device for games, download cover art, and assign emulators.
However, you must supply your own games and install the emulators yourself. Dig will take you to the Play Store pages of emulators that are not installed.
Other features include
* Support for 83 systems and counting
* Merged game sets
* Android homescreen game launching
* 6 game view types
* customizable themes with (optional) background pictures, videos, and music/sound effects
* voice search
* support for zipped CD images
and more!
Credits digdroid.com/credits.html
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