Download Cyanogen Dialer 5.1.1_25 APK
Version: 5.1.1_25 (25)
Package: com.cyngn.dialer
Downloads: 37,489
Target: Android 5.0 (Lollipop, API 21)
Cyanogen Dialer notes
Introducing the Cyanogen Apps Package
Many CM community users may be familiar with Cyanogen OS, the certified commercial version that comes preloaded on retail smartphones such as the OnePlus One, WileyFox, ZUK Z1, Andromax Q, and YU branded devices.
Cyanogen OS includes a variety of apps and services that leverage CyanogenMod’s open platform. As CM users, these apps were previously unavailable to you unless you bought a Cyanogen OS powered retail phone. Starting today, we’re announcing the release of the Cyanogen Apps Package (C-Apps).
C-Apps is being offered as an optional download and will not be preinstalled on CyanogenMod releases. This package will allow you to take your existing devices running CM 12.1, and make them more like the Cyanogen OS experience. The latest version of CM 12.1 is required for C-Apps to run properly.
Download and wiki instructions are located at the bottom of this post. The following features are included in the initial C-Apps Package:
Theme Chooser with per-app theming
Theme Store
Cyanogen Accounts
Dialer with TrueCaller integration
Email powered by Boxer
This APK is part of C-Apps for CyanogenMod. You can find them at:
Because the APK may rely on additional files installed by the C-Apps package, it will likely crash or not work properly otherwise if installed standalone. It is provided here for archival purposes. Proceed at your own risk.