Download GCam - BSG's Google Camera port (com.android.MGC_8_9_097) APK
Version: (66480026)
Languages: 75
Package: com.android.MGC_8_9_097
Downloads: 4,392
Target: Android 10 (Q, API 29)
GCam - BSG's Google Camera port (com.android.MGC_8_9_097) notes
BSG public version changelog (8.9.097 from 2023/10/28):
- in the "Additional Settings" section of the module (divided into "HDR+ (Off / Auto / Net)" and "Enhanced HDR+ / Night Sight"), a new option "Disable Discard Dissimilar Frames" has been added to the "HDR+ (Off / Auto / Net)" section.
- in the "Additional Settings" section of the module (for all modes), "Zipper 2", "Zipper 3", and "Contrast 2" have been added.
- in the "Additional Settings" section of the module (for all modes), a new option "Contrast" has been added to the "Wiener MERGE method" section.
- in the "Additional Settings" section of the module (for all modes), a new section "Bracketed" has been added (including items "Bracketed sharpness_threshold", "Max Bracketed TET Ratio"), and a section "Sabre Param" has been added (including item "Better Color". The item "Sabre Brightness" has been renamed to "Brightness" and moved to this section).
- option "Save *.info along with the photo" has been added to the general settings to save detailed information about the photo itself and the process of its creation (the .info file is created in the same folder with the same name as the photo).
- fixed errors found in the modification's operation.
- fixed operation on some devices.
Ченджлог публичной версии от BSG (8.9.097 от 28.10.2023):
- в "Дополнительные настройки" модуля (разделенные на "HDR+ ( Off / Auto / Net )" и "Enhanced HDR+ / Night Sight") в раздел "HDR+ ( Off / Auto / Net )" добавлен пункт "Disable Discard Dissimilar Frames".
- в "Дополнительные настройки" модуля (для всех режимов) добавлены "Zipper 2", "Zipper 3" и "Contrast 2"
- в "Дополнительные настройки" модуля (для всех режимов) в раздел "Wiener MERGE method" добавлен пункт "Contrast"
- в "Дополнительные настройки" модуля (для всех режимов) добавлен раздел "Bracketed" (и пункты "Bracketed sharpness_threshold", "Max Bracketed TET Ratio") и раздел "Sabre Param"(добавлен пункт "Better Color", пункт "Sabre Brigthtness" переименован в "Brigthtness" и перенесен в этот раздел) .
- в общие настройки добавлен пункт "Сохранять *.info вместе с фото" для сохранения подробной информации о самом фото и о процессе его создания (файл .info создается в той же папки и имеет такое-же название что и сохраненное фото).
- исправлены найденные ошибки в работе модификации.
- исправлена работа на некоторых девайсах.
- For GCam support, a Telegram group and channel are available.
- Say "thanks" to BSG for his work by sending him a donation: Yandex Money.
- You can find the list of officially supported phones on this page.
- Important pages: Settings Guide, Lib Patcher Guide, Camera2 Test app.
For developers:
🇬🇧 I would like to ask developers: If you will use my work, I ask you to indicate my authorship, as well as links to my Celso page and the Telegram group - t.me/publicgroup_mgc_bsg
🇷🇺 Хочу обратиться к разработчикам модов. Если Вы будете использовать мои наработки, прошу Вас указывать моё авторство, а так же ссылки на мою страницу Celso и группу Telegram - t.me/publicgroup_mgc_bsg.
GCam - BSG's Google Camera port (com.android.MGC_8_9_097) variants
This release comes in several variants (we currently have 2). Consult our handy FAQ to see which download is right for you.