Download GCam - BSG's Google Camera port (com.android.MGC_8_8_224) APK
Version: (66263576)
Languages: 75
Package: com.android.MGC_8_8_224
Downloads: 2,352
Target: Android 10 (Q, API 29)
GCam - BSG's Google Camera port (com.android.MGC_8_8_224) notes
🇺🇸 BSG public version changelog (8.8.224 from 2023/05/13):
- "Google AWB" (Off / On) toggle added to the top curtain, divided into "Photo", "Portrait", "Night shooting" and also into Front / Back.
- "RAW compression", "JPEG compression quality(%)" and "System AWB correction" items were added to the module settings (with the ability to load AWB from a .gawb file).
- Found errors in the work of the modification have been fixed.
- Fixed work on some devices.
🇷🇺 Ченджлог публичной версии от BSG (8.8.224 от 13.05.2023):
- в верхнюю шторку добавлен тогл "Google AWB"(Off / On), разделен на "Фото", "Портерет", "Ночная съемка" а также на Front / Back.
- в настройки модуля добавлены пункты "Сжатие RAW", "Качество сжатия JPEG(%)" и "Коррекция системного AWB" (с возможностью загрузки AWB из файла .gawb).
- исправлены найденные ошибки в работе модификации.
- исправлена работа на некоторых девайсах.
- For GCam support, a Telegram group and channel are available.
- Say "thanks" to BSG for his work by sending him a donation: Yandex Money.
- You can find the list of officially supported phones on this page.
- Important pages: Settings Guide, Lib Patcher Guide, Camera2 Test app.
For developers:
🇬🇧 I would like to ask developers: If you will use my work, I ask you to indicate my authorship, as well as links to my Celso page and the Telegram group - t.me/publicgroup_mgc_bsg
🇷🇺 Хочу обратиться к разработчикам модов. Если Вы будете использовать мои наработки, прошу Вас указывать моё авторство, а так же ссылки на мою страницу Celso и группу Telegram - t.me/publicgroup_mgc_bsg.