Download GCam - BSG's Google Camera port (com.android.MGC) APK
Version: (63835200)
Languages: 19
Package: com.android.MGC
Downloads: 5,575
Target: Android 10 (Q, API 29)
GCam - BSG's Google Camera port (com.android.MGC) notes
🇺🇸 BSG public version changelog (8.1.101 from 08/03/2021):
- added to "global settings": "Delay after focus", "Reset focus", "Add IDLE focus"
- some work algorithms have been optimized.
🇷🇺 Ченджлог публичной версии от BSG (8.1.101 от 03.08.2021):
- добавлены в "глобальные настройки": "Задержка после фокусировки", "Сброс фокуса", "Добавить IDLE фокус"
- оптимизированы некоторые алгоритмы работы.
- For GCam support, a Telegram group and channel are available.
- Say "thanks" to BSG for his work by sending him a donation: Yandex Money.
- You can find the list of officially supported phones on this page.
- Guides: Settings Guide, Lib Patcher Guide.
GCam - BSG's Google Camera port (com.android.MGC) variants
This release comes in several variants (we currently have 5). Consult our handy FAQ to see which download is right for you.