About Double Dragon 4 1.0
The story picks up after the elimination of the Black Warriors in Double Dragon II!
Experience all-new exhilarating action with the original old-school graphics!
Use the art of Sou-Setsu-Ken to rescue the kidnapped Marian!
Plus, new enemy characters including ninjas, karate masters, and sumo wrestlers,
none of which have been seen in Double Dragon before!
There are lots of extra modes, too! Cool new features fans have been waiting for!
Playable enemy characters, Tower Mode, and even more!
You can play the first mission for free on this application.
If you'd like to play the other missions, you'll need to make an in-app purchase.
Requires Android 4.2 or later and a memory size of 3 GB and up.
( Depending on the the server, the game may not function properly even if the above requirements are met.)
Official Page:
Double Dragon 4 official site
Support Forum
ARC SYSTEM WORKS official site: